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“When He had sipped the sour wine, He said, “It is finished, My bride!” Then He bowed His head and surrendered His spirit to God.”
Jesus knew His purpose was through the cross and it was His love for us that kept Him on it. The essence of all healing is love. God leads us with desire.

JOHN 19:30 The Passion Translation
with a word from corrie haynes

“Recently I heard the Lord say: “Those who have mocked you and spoken against you will now stand in awe of My blessing and favour upon you.”
Those who have spoken against you, those who have mocked you for obeying the Lord, those who have mocked you for following the Lord’s strategy, those who have spoken out against you and behind your back out of jealousy, the Lord showed me their mouths are about to be left open in awe at the hand of the Lord upon you releasing His blessing and His favour.
The Lord spoke to me that there is a “JOSEPH PROMOTION” upon many right now.
Many have been in the place of facing the jealousy of their ‘brothers’ in many ways, but now the Lord shall bring forth a great promotion that will leave them in awe and wonder of the hand of God.
The Lord spoke to me that in the “JOSEPH PROMOTION” there is going to be a MAJOR surge of blessing and favour upon them to increase them to extend the Kingdom of God and for the Glory of the Lord to be seen.
The mouths of the mockers will be SHUT. The mouths of the jealous will be left open wide by the hand and favour of the Lord upon you. The Lord is bringing forth a great vindication in your life. The Lord is releasing major promotion upon you for the sake of His Kingdom and His Glory.
Those of you who have stayed away from the place of fame, or attempting to make a name for yourself but have remained true to what the Lord has called you to and stayed in the place of obedience and have been battling the mocking and word curses of others, the Lord is about to powerfully vindicate you, bless you and release great favour upon you.
In these “JOSEPH PROMOTIONS” not only is the Lord bringing about a “shutting of the mouths of the mockers” but the Lord is bringing forth reconciliations in the promotion.
He is bringing forth restoration in the promotion. The Lord will set up opportunities for you to bless those who have cursed you. The Lord will set up situations for you to show grace, love and forgiveness to those who have spoken against you and mocked you.
Continue to pray and bless those who speak against you like Jesus said in Luke 6:28.

Lana Vawser

“There has been great warfare many have faced because of these words spoken in the spirit, but the Lord is decreeing that “no weapon formed against you shall prosper.” (Isaiah 54:17)
The enemy has ridden on the words spoken against you, but there is a major breakthrough upon you where you shall see the Lord step in with His breakthrough, blessing and vindication.
Many who have been battling these forms of witchcraft in the spirit over and over and over again and it has seemed relentless, there is a MAJOR breakthrough and promotion upon you right now where the Lord will release and demonstrate His favour over your life.
Many of you have felt almost taken out by those who have mocked you and spoken against you, but NOW the voice of God shall be heard far and wide over your life by the favour He is releasing upon you as you have remained in purity, integrity and humility.
Some of you are about to step into your greatest promotions of the Lord and you shall see Him move through your life like never before. There is great blessing ahead. There is great favour ahead.
You are about to increase in blessing and favour of the Lord, not by your own efforts or hands but by the HAND of the Lord.
Where you have followed the Lord, followed His voice and His Spirit, where you have walked the paths He has asked you to walk despite the unfamiliar territory, where the blessing and favour of the Lord has invoked jealousy in others, where your obedience has invoked mockery in others, do not apologise where the Lord is leading you.
Don’t apologise for the favour and blessing the Lord is releasing over your life.
Continue in the pathway God has for you and bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you. For the hand of the Lord is not only about to vindicate you but promote you into greater places to see HIS name lifted high and Kingdom extended.
This is a major birthing moment for you and the Lord is decreeing these mockeries and words against you will NOT stop you as you stand in Him.
The promotion and the blessing that the Lord is releasing is for the extension of the Kingdom and for the plans and purposes of the Lord to be extended across the earth.
It is all for His name to be lifted high and His Glory to be seen across the earth and for all to come to know Him and His love and His goodness.
It’s time for you to step into greater advancement of your destiny in the promotion and blessing He is releasing so the name of Jesus may be lifted high across the earth.”

Lana Vawser

“God will never, ever stop loving you.
No matter what you do, where you go, no matter how hard you try, God’s love will endure and be triumphant.
He’s love will batter down the walls of own rebellion and sin.
God’s love is more stubborn than our pathetic efforts to run away into darkness.
The scripture talks about God remaining faithful even when we are faithless.
Therefore, God will win your rebellious daughter.
He’ll win over your deceived husband and your wayward son. God’s love is relentless. He will melt the most stubborn heart with His dunamis love.
You can trust in the love of God.”

Ben David

“The LORD has been so good to me! How can I ever pay him back?
I will bring an offering of wine to the LORD and thank him for saving me. I will worship him.
In front of all of the LORD’s people, I will do what I promised him.
The LORD pays special attention when his faithful people die.
Lord, I serve you. I serve you just as my mother did. You have set me free from the chains of my suffering.
Lord, I will sacrifice a thank offering to you. I will worship you.
In front of all of the LORD’s people, I will do what I promised him. I will keep my promise in the courtyards of the LORD’s temple. I will keep my promise in Jerusalem itself. Praise the Lord.”

Psalm 116:12-19 NIRV

“Passion is visible.
People can see it emanating from you.
They’re drawn to the positivity, curious about why you believe in what you’re doing.”

bill gates & warren buffett

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant.”

1 Corinthians 13:4 ESV

“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: When I cleanse you from your sins, I will repopulate your cities, and the ruins will be rebuilt.
The fields that used to lie empty and desolate in plain view of everyone will again be farmed.
And when I bring you back, people will say, ‘This former wasteland is now like the Garden of Eden! The abandoned and ruined cities now have strong walls and are filled with people!’
Then the surrounding nations that survive will know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruins and replanted the wasteland.
For I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will do what I say.”

Ezekiel‬ ‭36:33-36‬ ‭NLT

“Who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”

2 Corinthians 3:6 ESV

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.
It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing​ but rejoices with the truth.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 ESV
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