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Corrie’s Content

March 29, 2019

“Watch for the temptation to feel bad about things of the past. Remind yourself that you can do nothing about any of it. But, what I have forgiven is forgiven, says the Lord. Don’t dig up old trash that makes you feel terrible about yourself. You are My child, My chosen. Go forth in the power of My love to seek righteousness every day.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Marsha Burns

“Right now Father, my request is that those of us who are struggling to come to terms with this time in our head, I just ask for favor to come upon us so that we may just relax into a place of rest and allow our heart just to reach out to you, just like we did on the day when we became Christians, just like on the day when salvation came into our hearts, into our lives, we responded to you in heart.
We didn’t think our way into the Gospel.
We didn’t think our way into salvation.
We felt our way into an experience because you touched our hearts. You created a longing in our heart and we found our heart responding to you.
So right now I pray that you would just return us to that heart place so that we may experience you, and yes so that we may feel your presence because your presence is tangible; it’s real.”

Graham Cooke

“The danger of isolation is much greater than the risk of intimacy. It’s safer to come out from behind the screen and be seen as you really are than it is to hide behind an image of what you want people to think you are while you die inside.”

Steven Furtick

“Just because we’ve been hurt doesn’t mean we have to live hurt. Today has so much joy waiting to be found!”

Lysa TerKeurst

“The voice of the enemy can often seem intimidating. Just remember, the enemy isn’t nearly as powerful as he thinks he is. Don’t believe for a second the lies he’s been trying to spread about you. You are a new creation, made to walk in victory. The Blood of the Jesus is flowing through your veins. Today is a really good day!”

Catherine Mullins

“Those places in your life that look as they are receding are actually upgrading. Don’t let the enemy tell you your best days are behind you when you are going from glory to glory. God is releasing dreams right now to give you insight so you can see this season through the right lens and strategies to be able to move forward.”

Nate Johnson

“…The garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of The Lord, that He may be glorified.”

Isaiah 61:3 ESV

“God is stirring us and awakening a longing for Him in our souls. What’s the key to experiencing God’s passionate pursuit? It’s simple, really. We must recognize and acknowledge His presence as we live and move and have our being in Him. Sudden glory moments where we recognize His presence will fill our lives and take our breath away. It is a divine romance of the purest kind. He pursues us more fervently and passionately than anyone else ever will.”

Sharon Jaynes

“Before any day is over: Open the Word, look God straight in the eye– & let Him speak straight to your heart. Open the Word, look God in the eye– & you can stare down anything threatening your heart.”

Ann Voskamp

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