Ray Haynes

Elul 2022

Click here to Listen to Podcast of On-Air Segments 1. The Feasts Are Approaching As September arrives this year, the month of Elul arrives on the Biblical Calendar and that…

Ray Haynes

Leaning On My Beloved

It’s Your Victory There must be a “National Day” for just about everything, and of course I always discover it after it has passed. There are days set aside for…

Ray Haynes

Long Enough Have You Sat in The Valley of Tears By Ray Haynes

Long Enough Have You Sat in The Valley of Tears By Ray Haynes Have you ever felt like your name was changed to “tired”, but no one bothered to tell…

Ray Haynes

The 9th of Av or Tisha B’Av – Choices & Consequences

Click Here To Listen To The On-Air Segments on the Podcast 1. What It’s All About: At creation, God set apart appointed times (Fasts and Feasts) or Sacred Times in every season, in…